Meetings & Events

The first AFRING related stakeholder meeting was held at the Global Flyway Conference (Waterbids around the World) held in Edinburgh in April 2004. Following from this, an additional three meetings have taken place:

  • 11th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (Tunisia, November 2004)
  • 24th International Ornithological Congress (Germany, August 2006)
  • 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (South Africa, September 2008)

These meetings provide a forum for interested and affected parties to discuss policies, programmes and actions for the way forward for AFRING.

Next meeting

The next major stakeholder meeting is scheduled to take place at the 25th International Ornithological Congress to be held from 22-28 August 2010 in Campos do Jordão, Brazil.


AFRING is supported with funding from UNEP/AEWA and the European Union:African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) European Commission DG Environment (EC DG Environment)
This website has been produced with the financial assistance of UNEP/AEWA and the European Union. The views expressed herein in no way reflect the official opinion of UNEP/AEWA or the European Union.